Thursday, January 15, 2015

Brookside Dark Chocolate Crunchy Clusters

Brookside Dark Chocolate Clusters are a surprisingly addicting treat.  These little clusters are loaded with the sweet taste of cranberry bits, crispy multigrains and smothered with dark chocolate.  Normally, I am not a fan of dark chocolate (I know it is better for you then milk chocolate) but the combination of sweet, crunchy and chocolate really works.  I found myself popping them in my mouth and emptying the little bowl before I knew what was happening. 

You can pair them with just about anything from fruit & nuts to yogurt. 

My husband loves yogurt and assured me that they were "very tasty" together (I do NOT eat yogurt lol).
I am glad that I had this opportunity to tryout the Brookside Crunchy Clusters free through Crowdtap.  They are wonderful surpise! #DiscoverBrookside #Sponsored.


  1. Replies
    1. Watch out because they are a bit addicting! haha

  2. I love these....once I opened the bag, I couldn't keep myself away from them. I'm not a fan of dark chocolate either.
